Showing posts with label Indonesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indonesia. Show all posts

Paragon Scholarship

Paragon Scholarship 2024 merupakan program beasiswa dari Paragon sebagai salah satu bentuk implementasi misi ke-6 Paragon, yaitu ‘Mendukung pendidikan dan kesehatan bangsa’. Melalui program ini, Paragon memberikan dukungan kepada mahasiswa di 15 kampus terpilih dengan memberikan bantuan dana pendidikan serta memberikan pelatihan-pelatihan dasar kepemimpinan, kontribusi sosial, serta dorongan untuk berinovasi untuk negeri melalui program yang diberikan.

- Allowance Rp6,250,000 / semester selama 2 tahun

Indonesian Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Scholarships in Jakarta Intercultural School

For providing a world-class education to the high achieving aspirants from Indonesia, Jakarta Intercultural School is awarding Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Scholarships in Indonesia.

The studentship is available for all students in Grades 8-10 currently enrolled in public schools. These are fully funded scholarships and suitable for outstanding Indonesian scholars, artists, and athletes. Jakarta Intercultural School is recognized by both the Indonesian government and several internationally certified accreditation bodies.

It is the largest international primary and secondary school in Indonesia. It is considered as one of the best schools overseas for preparing students for an American university.

GRAB Internship Program (Internship)

GRAB Internship Program (Internship) PT Solusi Transportasi Indonesia is looking for undergraduate students who want to get a real-life working environment where you can learn and understand our business process along with the best mentor in the relatable field. 

Through this 3 to 6 months period you will get the opportunity to be involved in challenging projects. The programs are open for Jakarta, Bali, Surabaya, Bandung, and Yogya. The internship period is November to February 2020. The day-to-day activities: You will work on a project and challenging business case You will get extensive coaching and mentorship from the senior leader Help with preparing a strategy and initiatives to engage stakeholders i.e customers, drivers, merchants Explore business issues/opportunities, uncover insights and/or targeted areas for business growth The must-haves :

GREAT Scholarships 2019

GREAT Scholarships 2019 and this new scholarship scheme will offer an exciting opportunity for Indonesian students wishing to get financial support to pursue undergraduate study. In order to support more Indonesian students to study in the UK, the British Council, together with 6 UK universities, has launched the GREAT Scholarships 2019 – Indonesia campaign. 

With more than 15 undergraduate scholarships on offer, the total value of the scholarship scheme is nearly £160,000. 

This new scholarship scheme will offer an exciting opportunity for Indonesian students wishing to get financial support to pursue undergraduate study in the UK. Students can apply for undergraduate courses in any subject area at 6 institutions across UK. 

Steps for applicants: 
Step I: Check your eligibility Are you an Indonesian passport holder? Do you plan to pursue undergraduate study in the UK? Is the course that you have applied for or are applying for starting in autumn 2019? 

Step II: Browse listed universities/scholarships and click on specific items to access detailed information 

Step III: Apply for individual scholarships following the instructions given on individual universities’ scholarship webpages 

Step IV: Winning scholars will be informed by individual universities on the results of their applications 

Step V: Funding of the scholarships will be issued to winning scholars by individual universities after registration


Hi SchoFriends mau daftar beasiswa dan lanjut studi S2 & S3? tapi bingung harus mulai dari mana? atau sudah daftar tapi ditolak terus? Langsung aja datang ke INDONESIA SCHOLARSHIP FESTIVAL, karena di event ini akan ada banyak program menarik yang tidak boleh kalian lewatkan seperti:

1. Stand Informasi Beasiswa.
2. Stand Universitas Terbaik Dunia.
2. Campus Immersion Class
3. Start Up & Youth Empowerment Talks
4. Seminar Beasiswa
5. Workshop Studi ke Luar Negeri
6. Workshop & Simulasi TOEIC
7. Workshop & Simulasi TOEFL
8. Workshop & Simulasi IELTS
9. Workshop Proposal Penelitian Tesis dan Disertasi.

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships 2017-2018 for Indonesian's Citizen

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships 2017-2018 for Indonesian's Citizen.

The Swiss government, through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), awards scholarships to foreign scholars and researchers. 

There are three types of scholarships offered for Indonesia
  • Research scholarships 
  • PhD Scholarships 
  • Postdoctoral
Scholarships Information on eligibility criteria, application procedure, contact addresses and additional information is available under the following link

Hary and Liliana Tanoesoedibjo Business Australia 2014 Scholarships

Hary and Liliana Tanoesoedibjo Business Australia 2014 Scholarships, The University of New South Wales is providing a scholarship in business for full-time postgraduate coursework program (Masters or AGSM MBA) at the Australian School of Business in 2014. International students can apply for this scholarship. The scholarship of $26,680 is offered for duration of course on Hary and Liliana Tanoesoedibjo Business Australia 2014 Scholarships.

The Scholarship will be applied against tuition fees in equal installments. Application should be submitted till November 30, 2013.

Scholarship Description:

The Hary and Liliana Tanoesoedibjo Scholarship in Business was established to encourage and support an international student to undertake full-time postgraduate coursework. The Scholarship will be applied against tuition fees in equal instalments across the duration of the full-time postgraduate coursework (Masters or AGSM MBA) program based on the minimum duration of the program undertaken.

New Fulbright Application Deadline for Academic Year 2011

New Fulbright Scholarships 2011-The Office of Academic Exchange Programs Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. State Department, is pleased to announce a new exchange program for undergraduate students-2010 Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global ugrade) as New Fulbright Scholarships 2011

The Global Fund makes grants to ugrade a semester or academic year in the U.S. in a non-degree curriculum. The program’s objectives are to provide a diverse group of emerging student leaders, non-elite and under-represented groups in Indonesia and East Asia.

All program participants will be enrolled worldwide Ugrade full-time undergraduate courses chosen (U.S.) current curriculum of the institution to allow students ample opportunity for ongoing interaction with their fellow U.S. Faculty . and students, and exposure to U.S. academic cultureand in the classroom.

Beasiswa Pemerintah SWISS

Beasiswa Pemerintah SWISS

Pemerintah Swiss melalui Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS) menawarkan beasiswa dalam jumlah terbatas untuk negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia.

Beasiswa tersebut ditawarkan untuk mahasiswa PASCA SARJANA (POSTGRADUATE) yang ingin melakukan riset atau meraih gelar master di salah satu perguruan tinggi di Swiss.
Penerima beasiswa dapat melakukan riset atau kuliah di perguruan tinggi di Swiss yang tercantum pada halaman 3 dan 4. Program studi atau pendidikan berikut TIDAK termasuk dalam tawaran beasiswa ini:

1. Ilmu Kesenian
2. Pendidikan Strata 1
3. Pendidikan Sekolah Perhotelan
4. Pertukaran mahasiswa
5. Part-time studies
6. On-the-job studies
7. Studi jarak jauh (correspondence course)

Beasiswa STUNED Indonesia

Pendaftaran beasiswa Indonesia program pra-registrasi StuNed kembali dibuka khusus bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang bekerja di salah satu institusi yang menjadi partner Kedutaan Besar Belanda (daftar dapat dilihat di website Nuffic Neso Indonesia) yang menetap dan bekerja di luar pulau Jawa.

Untuk mendaftar program pra-registrasi beasiswa StuNed, peminat diminta melengkapi persyaratan Institutional atau Prediction TOEFL dengan skor minimal 475 atau IELTS dengan skor minimal 5.0. Pada tahap awal ini peminat belum diharuskan untuk memiliki surat penerimaan dari salah satu universitas di Belanda.

Tahapan dan prosedur
  1. Download formulir pra-registrasi di;
  2. Pilih program studi yang sesuai di salah satu perguruan tinggi di Belanda, daftar pilihan bisa dilihat di;
  3. Melampirkan persyaratan lengkap sebagai berikut:

MS/PhD scholarships at SEARCA

This graduate scholarship was initiated in academic year 1968-69 and aims to ensure the relevance and responsiveness of Southeast Asia's agricultural scientists and professionals to global sustainable development issues.

The program provides support for advanced studies leading to the MS and PhD degrees in agriculture, forestry, and related fields. SEARCA aims to prepare highly qualified professionals working in agricultural and rural development for positions of leadership in SEAMEO member countries.

More MS/PhD scholarships at SEARCA Information HERE!

Beasiswa bagi lulusan SMA/MA/SMK

Beasiswa Terbaru Indonesia 2010 Departemen Perindustrian
Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Perindustrian R.I. Nomor 19/M-IND/PER/
2/2007 tentang Penyelenggaraan Program Beasiswa Tenaga Penyuluh Lapangan Industri Kecil dan Menengah, bahwa dalam rangka mempercepat pertumbuhan Industri Kecil dan Menengah di Propinsi dan kabupaten/Kota perlu mempersiapkan Tenaga penyuluh Lapangan Industri Kecil dan Menengah (IKM) melalui Program Beasiswa pada Unit
Pendidikan di Lingkungan Departemen Perindustrian.

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut Departemen Perindustrian akan memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa-siswi berprestasi tingkat Sekolah Menengah Tingkat Atas (SMA/MA/SMK) yang tidak mampu pada Pemerintah Propinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota diprioritaskan untuk daerah tertinggal, daerah terpencil, daerah perbatasan, Pasca bencana, Pasca konflik, dan daerah pemekaran, untuk disekolahkan pada Unit Pendidikan di Lingkungan Departemen Perindustrian dengan Program Beasiswa Calon
Tenaga Penyuluh Lapangan (TPL) IKM setara dengan Program D-3, dengan
spesialisasi sebagai berikut :

Beasiswa Terbaru Indonesia 2010 Departemen Perindustrian

- Teknologi Pembuatan Kain
- Teknologi Pengendalian Mutu Industri
- Teknologi Bahan Kulit, Karet & Plastik Teknologi Pengolahan
- Teknologi Pengolahan Kulit
- Pengelolaan Lingkungan Industri
- Kewirausahaan (enterpreunership)
- Pengolahan Industri Pangan
- Teknologi Pangan
- Teknologi Pengolahan Atsiri dan Produk Hilir CPO

Pengumuman :
formulir :
Beasiswa Terbaru Indonesia 2010 Departemen Perindustrian

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