CEMF Undergraduate Engineering Scholarships for Women, Canada



The Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation was founded in 1990 to develop scholarship and award programs that encourage women to choose engineering as a career to honour the memory of the 14 women at École Polytechnique whose contributions to Canada ended on December 6, 1989.
Each year CEMF offers up to five $5,000 Undergraduate Engineering Scholarships to young women across Canada who are proven leaders, active in their community and volunteer work, and act as mentors to other young women to encourage them to pursue a career in engineering. 

These scholarships are not based on academic achievement.
Applicants must be female engineering students at the undergraduate level enrolled fulltime in an accredited engineering program at a Canadian university. One scholarship may be awarded in each of the regions of British Columbia, Prairies, Ontario, Quebec, and Atlantic.

Along with the financial award, there are many other great reasons for applying for this scholarship:

Promotion and Recognition. Those selected for a CEMF scholarship are featured in an annual Winners Brochure with a biography and photo distributed nationally, an individualized press release sent to the national media, professional engineering associations, the recipient’s university and community media. 
As well, the winners’ names, photos, university and year of receiving the scholarship are prominently promoted on the website. Throughout the year, winners are promoted through a variety of public relation methods from posters to media interviews.
Career Networking and Travel Opportunities. Recipients may be invited to attend the CEMF Awards Luncheon to be presented with their award. This event is held at the AGM of Engineers Canada in various national locations. Travel and accommodation maybe provided, and the winners are given an opportunity to meet and socialize with prominent members of the industry and leaders in engineering innovation. As well, the CEMF Board of Directors is made up of
professional engineers who are available to advise and/or mentor winners in pursuing a successful career.
Recipients Can Use the Monies in Any Capacity. Unlike many other scholarships, CEMF does not require students to apply the award to tuition, books or academic costs. Rather, scholarships are geared to helping students stay in engineering and can be used in any capacity the student requires – from living expenses to child care.
A Focus on the Future. Scholarship recipients act as ambassadors to the field of engineering and serve as role models for other young women to encourage them to become professional engineers.
A Scholarship for Leaders.While recognizing academic excellence is important, the CEMF Undergraduate Engineering Scholarship is not awarded based on academic achievement. Rather, the focus is on female students who are proven leaders in their community and who have dedicated time to extra-curricular
activities and volunteerism while serving as a role model to others.

We Are Here to Help. Applicants can call CEMF toll-free while preparing their application to ask questions or for clarification of requirements. 1-866-883-2363.

Applicants to these scholarships should review the eligibility requirements listed below closely along with using the checklist provided to ensure ALL required documents are included when applying.
Applications that are missing required documents will be immediately disqualified.
  1. You must be a Canadian citizen, or be a Landed Immigrant with a Permanent Residence card.
  2. You must be a female undergraduate student enrolled full-time in an accredited Canadian engineering program at a Canadian university. Visit the Engineers
    Canada website at www.engineerscanada.ca where all accredited Canadian university engineering programs are listed to check your eligibility.
  3. While there is no limitation on the number of applications from any university or program, as an individual, you have not applied to any other CEMF scholarship this year; if unsuccessful you can reapply in subsequent years to this scholarship or another CEMF scholarship. You can also not win this scholarship more than once although you can receive another CEMF scholarship.
  4. For four year programs: you must be in your first year, second year or the first term of your third year, prior to the January deadline.
  5. For five year programs: you must be in first year, second year, third year or the first term of your fourth year, prior to the January deadline.
  6. You must be a leader, a volunteer and an active person in your community and/or university. Scholarships are awarded based primarily on how you are involved in your own community and the leadership skills that you have demonstrated. Special emphasis is placed on leadership and encouraging others to contribute to bettering Canadian society.
  7. Grades do not constitute a criterion for the award of this scholarship.
  8. You must be willing to act as a role model to encourage other women to pursue a career in engineering; scholarship recipients must give a presentation to a highschool level audience using the presentation prepared for this application. Your ability to effectively communicate with these younger students will be a primary criterion.
  9. You must give permission for your photo and name to be used by CEMF for scholarship promotional purposes.
  10. You must have 100 per cent completed the application requirements listed below and submitted them by the stated deadline.
  11. You are aware this is a competition and a judging panel will use specific guidelines to select the recipients (see below). Judges reserve the right not to issue any scholarships in any given year depending on the quality of the applications.

Double-Check – Do you have all the documents required in hardcopy and on CD or Flash Drive? 

All applications must be submitted by all applicants directly to:
The Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation
CEMF Undergraduate Engineering Scholarship Award
P. O. Box 370, 3-247 Barr Street
Renfrew, Ontario K7V 4A6
All application packages must be Post-marked or Courier Date-stamped no later than Midnight Friday, January 14, 2011.

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